Pakistan must decorate its house: World experts on economic crisis-pakistan news today

Pakistan News Today- Pakistan is facing an unknown political and profitable extremity and indeed its musketeers in the Islamic world now honor that the country has to set its house in order and not support radical Islamic groups to operate from its home, global strategic experts said. They also agreed that the Pakistani "deep state" was "shaking" and did not know how to deal with or control Frankenstein, created in the form of the terrorist group Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP). Pakistan has been reeling under a massive percent profitable extremity with the country's rupee recording a major low of 275 to the US bone, affectation rising to over cent and foreign exchange reserves dropping to the smallest position since 1998 at around USD 3 billion which isn't enough indeed to cover a month's significances. The problem has been further aggravated by a series of terror attacks, including a major self-murder bombing in the northwestern megacity of Peshawar on January 30 that killed further than 100 people Pakistan government's accommodations with the International Monetary Fund( IMF) to unlock USD1.1 billion finances haven't yet yielded positive results, driving fears of farther deterioration in the overall situation. Husain Haqqani, a former Pakistan minister to the US and Senior Fellow at Hudson Institute, said terrorism has blocked foreign direct investment into Pakistan and its" unrealistic dependence" on China has redounded in a huge external debt.
The experts also refocused on the aid-driven nature of Pakistan's frugality and said the country must look at avenues for profit generation.

"Jihadist terrorism has blocked foreign direct investment. An unrealistic dependence on China has redounded in huge external debt," Haqqani said


Stock Market: Trade prospects between Afghanistan and India are limited Pakistan needs to go beyond a political frugality of conflict to come prosperous and that seems a ground too far for now," he added. Former Indian Army chief Gen( retd) JJ Singh said Pakistan appears to have formerly" pressed the button to tone- implode"." The situation is sluggishly twisting out of control and we don't know who's actually calling the shots in Pakistan. The deep state in Pakistan is also shaken up and they don't know how to handle or control the Frankenstein they created in the form of TTP," Singh told PTI.

It's a cause of concern for everybody including India when a country having nuclear munitions is in a situation where there appears to be a serious problem of leadership, he said.

Former Indian high manager to Pakistan G Parthasarathy said Pakistan must move down from promoting terrorism and concentrate on formative profitable cooperation if it wants to get out of the extremity.

Pakistan now faces an unknown political and strategic boundary. In fact, its followers in the Islamic world have acknowledged that they too must keep their homes in order and not support radical Islamist groups and terrorists in and around their homes.

Once upon a time, Pakistan's control over the Taliban caused extensive damage to its neighbor. It would be well-advised to move down from promoting terrorism to formative profitable cooperation bilaterally and regionally," he said.

Former Indian Army chief General Deepak Kapoor said that the situation in Pakistan is very stable.

Sajid Tarar, a successful Pakistani- American businessman, said the affectation in Pakistan is going through the roof and attributed the current collapse of the country's frugality to corruption by consecutive governments.

"There is no responsibility," he said. Our ruling elites have no interest in Pakistan.

Dr. Farzana Shaikh, Associate Fellow of Asia- the Pacific Programme at Chatham House, London, said that profitable fermentation in Pakistan was in the making for the last many months and came decreasingly acutely since the new government took over.
Shaikh also echoed enterprises flagged by Gen( retd) Singh.

For the region, Pakistan is not a small country, it has 220 million people., it's nuclear fortified and if this profitable extremity energies insecurity, the spillover and effect on neighboring countries could be relatively serious. There's really no undervaluing that," she said.

Dr. Hafiz Pasha, a prestigious economist of Pakistan, said the situation is critical but the government has taken the decision to apply the IMF program that will bring USD1.1 billion and open channels for support from other multinational institutions and countries.

Pakistan still needs 10 to 12 billion bones at the present time which ended in June. But once the IMF loan becomes available, the effects will improve. So the worst will be over and there will be no fear of dereliction once the IMF program is on the track," he said.

But this will further increase the debt burden and the country cannot attack these debts without restructuring the debt. We should rebuild and make long-term plans," he said.

" In the long run, Pakistan will have to grow trade exports and tariffs.

" Another thing is to control significance. There's also a need to control charges," he said.


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