Operation Dost: Quake-hit survivors in Turkey flock to Indian Army field hospital; 7th flight delivers more aid-Air India News

NEW DELHI:- The seventh flight under Operation Dost landed in earthquake- hit Syria on Sunday with over 23 tons of relief material comprising sleeping mats, gensets, solar lights, tarpaulins, robes, exigency and critical care drugs, and disaster relief consumables. The aid was entered by deputy minister of original administration Moutaz Douaji at the Damascus airport. The flight also took off for Adana in Turkey where it unloaded another 12 tons of relief material for the earthquake survivors there, including medical outfit like case examiner, ECG, hype pumps and disaster relief material. Army field sanitarium, Air India News

The Indian Air Force C- 17 aircraft also unloaded inventories for the Army field sanitarium that has been set up in Turkey's Iskenderun, and colorful National Disaster Response Force( NDRF) brigades.

The 96- member 60 Para Field sanitarium is operating out of a academy structure in the Hat May region. Lieutenant Colonel Adarsh said the platoon comprises orthopaedic specialists, surgeons, and max ill official surgeons to take care of multi-trauma cases that are anticipated in such a disaster.

He said that they've performed 10 surgeries, including the amputation of a case who had recovered from trubble. The field sanitarium is seeing hundreds of cases daily. Lieutenant Colonel Adarsh said the original people are thankful for the services being handed by the Indian croakers ." I can see it in their eyes, indeed if they aren't expressed in the language that we understand that they're thankful for the services that we're furnishing to them. It's veritably egregious in their eyes when I look into them," Lieutenant Colonel Adarsh told ANI.
Furkaan, a Turkish public, expressed gratefulness to the Indian Army as it was the first group that reached Iskendrun. He said that people with all health issues were being treated in the field sanitarium." I'm really thankful to them because they are the first group that arrived in Iskenderun. I call them dost. Actually, dost is just a friend, but I see them like sisters and sisters."
Quick response
According to Turkish Ambassador Firat Sunel, India is one of the first countries to help Turkey affected by the earthquake.
Within hours of the tragedy, the Indian Air Force climbed a C- 17 aircraft to Adana with 47 labor force from the NDRF, 3 elderly officers, and a especially- trained canine squad. The deliverance brigades stationed drones in the earthquake- hit areas to identify those trapped under the debris, and also used drones to transport specifics, food, and inventories. The NDRF brigades is using tools that break through concrete crossbeams and other structure accoutrements to free victims, as well as radar for detecting jiffs.
A day after the tragedy, the IAF transferred two further C- 17 aircraft packed with relief material to Turkey. The two breakouts contained relief inventories, a mobile sanitarium, and fresh specialised hunt- and- deliverance brigades. Along with NDRF labor force, the Agra- grounded Army Field Hospital dispatched 96 medical staff.
With chances of chancing further survivors growing more remote, the risk in both countries from the January 6 earthquake and major foreshocks rose above,000 and looked set to keep growing. It was the deadliest earthquake in Turkey since 1939

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